
Oprillo connects devices in the home to an intelligent platform in the cloud, allowing users to control their domestic appliances through smart phone and tablet apps. Prod has provided a full service design package for the project working on all design aspects of the project from User Interface to Product Design. This multi-disciplinary approach has ensured cohesion between the different areas of the project, allowing every part of the system to work together to create an elegant and enjoyable User Experience.

App Design


The Oprillo App has been designed to allow user's to control a number of complex domestic devices through one simple, intuitive interface. Control of lighting, heating, doorlocks and plug points are all currently possible, as well as providing energy consumption dashboards and proactive suggestions to the user. Applying design thinking to the entire system has ensured the User Experience is enjoyable and easy, with Apps and Physical Devices working together in sync


The Oprillo project has been displayed and demonstrated at a range of exhibitions, showcases and events. Bespoke display materials have been designed and produced using our lasercutters and 3d Printers to ensure Oprillo's features stand out and it's benefits are communicated fully. The branding elements created include A3 and A2 posters, A5 leaflets and bespoke leaflet holder, exhibition boards, lasercut acrylic sign and demonstration prototypes

Product Design

The Oprillo project has required a range of prototype devices to be designed and produced, from Hub devices to Smart Thermostats.  From initial sketches, to 3d CAD models, to 3d Printed models the hardware has been created in tandem with the App design and needs to ensure both hardware and software work together perfectly ensuring the best User Experience. 


 From initial sketches, to 3d CAD models, to 3d Printed models the hardware has been created in tandem with the App design to ensure both hardware and software work together perfectly ensuring the best User Experience. As the Oprillo platform launches, the final hardware designs will undergo Design For Manufacture, preparing them for full scale production

Oprillo Plug.jpg


"Prod has worked on the Oprillo project from its creation, and I am incredibly impressed with the hard work and dedication put into making the project a success. The project has required a variety of design skills which Prod has been able to provide at a high level, with their multi-discipline approach allowing faster cohesive development across all the different areas of the project"

Jason Morjaria, Director


T: 0208 226 4977

E: hello@proddesigns.co.uk

© Prod Ltd 2014