Soho Cigar Club

The Soho Cigar Club is a member's club based in London for users to get together to enjoy a cigar in a special convivial atmosphere. The not for profit organisation hosts unique tastings and events.


The mobile responsive site was built to provide a digital base for members to sign up to the club, view upcoming events and meetings, and purchase tickets for tastings. The site has full commerce capabilities for purchasing memberships and tickets, and integrations to Google Business Apps, analytics and EventBrite.


The site features a simple, classic aesthetic with a focus on readability and the visually rich images used, and has been very well received by members. The club has recently been featured in the January edition of Nic Wing's publication; UK Cigar Scene, with a full write-up on page 29; UK Cigar Scene

To accompany the website Prod also created bespoke signage and membership cards, laser-cut in wood to match the aesthetic of cigars and the cigar boxes. With a range of members clubs available in London it is great to have little touches like this the unique membership cards to allow this new club to stand out.


T: 0208 226 4977


© Prod Ltd 2016